About Adriana – Healing Kids' Hearts

About Adriana


Adriana is a 12 year old girl who is on a mission to give back to kids in foster care and to those that are adopted. When Adriana was only 4 years old, she herself went into the foster care system and within a short period of 7 months, she was in three different homes before finding her forever family. Adriana describes that time as being very scary and not really understanding what was going on.

Several months before Adriana’s adoption was final, she and her mom, Jane, had a conversation about what it means to be adopted and how there are many children still in foster care that haven’t found their forever families yet. When Jane asked Adriana how they could help those kids, Adriana came back with the suggestion of stuffed ponies. “What color stuffed ponies?” Jane asked. “Rainbow colored,” was Adriana’s answer. That night a story came to Jane that she told Adriana. It was about a little girl who had all sorts of mixed up feelings from missing someone she loved. That was how the, My Forever Friendship Pony book, was created. After the book was published, Jane and Adriana did very little with it for several years. Jane wanted to wait until Adriana was old enough to make the decision to share her story and lead this project. At twelve years old, Adriana was ready! She started a GoFundMe campaign to help earn money. Donations started to pour in, GoFundMe gave Adriana the title of their Kid Hero for the month of March 2019, and Healing Kids’ Hearts was born! They have now expanded their project into helping adoptive kids as well.  Healing Kids' Hearts is a 501c3 nonprofit.