Hoof prints for Hope Scholarship – Healing Kids' Hearts

Hoof prints for Hope Scholarship

The Hoofprints for Hope Scholarship Fund supports foster and adopted children who are experiencing the effects of developmental trauma. We give out scholarships to eligible children to receive a minimum of 10 weeks of individual equine-assisted psychotherapy.  We will choose children based on the information in the rules and guidelines.  The number of scholarships given out at any given time will depend directly on available funding.

Why Equine Therapy?

Equine-assisted psychotherapy has been shown to help children build confidence, manage their emotions, and heal from trauma. Horses, with their sensitive nature, offer a unique form of therapy that traditional methods often cannot provide. For foster and adopted children, who may struggle with feelings of abandonment, trust issues, and emotional wounds from their past, this therapy can offer hope and a path to healing.

Rules and Guidelines

1.Parent needs to submit a 400-700 word essay outlining why their child would benefit from this opportunity.  Include child’s first name, age and a little about their adoption story.  Also include parent’s name, town they live in, phone number and email where parent can be reached.

2. To begin therapy in the fall, essays should be sent to healingkidshearts@gmail.com no later than September 1, 2024.

3. Children ages 9-17 are eligible.

4. Once a child is chosen, we will work with the parent/s in finding a place for their child to do the equine therapy that is close to their home.

5. Paperwork between parent/s and equine facility will be completed.  Healing Kids’ Hearts will not have access to this information or any information regarding the therapy.

6. The equine facility will bill Healing Kids’ Hearts directly for the therapy sessions.